Sunday, May 16, 2010

What it takes to get things done..

The sunny winter weather continues in Bundaberg.

We thought of all you "southerners" as we watched the blustery winds and rocky seas buffet Jessica Watson and Ella's Pink Lady yesterday and shivered.

People near us have tales to tell of a crossing from New Zealand which was supposed to take 2 weeks taking 79 days because they were dismasted, they ran out of food and were thoroughly defeated by the sea, so congrats Jessica you conquered a tough opponent.

We try to stay motivated and use our time productively while we wait for the new railing to be constructed. We have plenty to do and Leon (my nephew) sent litres of paint and varnish down from Cairns, so we have no excuses not to look ship-shape by the time we depart.

Our method of transporting heavy items is pictured here, if you look closely you'll also see the above mentioned "motivation"!

I miss all my family and friends in Sydney and wish I could be there to see Tristan arrive home tomorrow from Indonesia and say Bon Voyage to my friend Sylvia who is off to Europe, still in only a matter of weeks we'll be on the move again,I hope.

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